Air Limbah Domestik dan Industri

Air Limbah Domestik dan Industri

Course modified date: 1 Mar 2021

Mata kuliah ini berisikan tentang pengertian dari air limbah, penggolongannya berdasarkan sumber pencemar dan bahan pencemar. Peraturan perundang undangan yang mengaturnya, baku mutu, daya dukung serta daya lenting. Limbah laboratorium sekolah dan cara penganggulangannya. Karakteristik air limbah domestik dan industri. Prinsip dan teknologi pengolahan air limbah.

Praktikum Kimia ANorganik

Praktikum Kimia ANorganik

Course modified date: 8 Feb 2021

Keseluruhan kegiatan praktikum Kimia Anorganik meliputi sekitar 7 topik praktikum yakni Kimia Belerang meliputi 3 kegiatan (P1=sintesis dan sifat asam sulfat; P2=  sintesis H2S dan penentuan kadar sulfide; P3=sintesis natrium tiosulfat), Kimia Halogen 2 kegiatan (P4= Sintesis ICl3 dan P5= pendesakan halogen), Kimia Alkali 2 kegiatan (P6=identifikasi senyawa-senyawa alkali tanah dan P7=pemurnian garam rakyat), Kimia mangan 1 kegiatan (P8= perubahan bilok mangan), Kimia Tembaga 1 kegiatan (P9=preparasi CuCl), Kimia Besi 1 kegiatan (P10 = Pembuatan garam Mohr, dan Silokofosfat 2 kegiatan (P11=pembuatan abu sekam padi + sol silikat (A) atau Pembuatan sol pospat (B); dan P12 = pembuatan silikofosfat (A+B)). 

Kimia Logam

Kimia Logam

Course modified date: 10 Feb 2021

The objectives of this subject are to develop professional competency of students as chemistry teacher candidate by (A) apply basic prerequisite conceptions for inorganic chemistry of metal containing substances which include thermodynamic stability especially on phase changes and redox reactions, crystalline substances, extended acid concepts of Lewis theory, coordination and organometallic compounds;   and (B) mastering basic  inorganic chemistry aspects including the history of element discovery, existence in nature, isolation, the properties and uses of elements; compounds, their properties and uses of compounds containing metal elements namely alkali and alkaline earth metals, aluminum, tin and lead, first series transition metals, and some transition metals, others namely gold and silver, cadmium and mercury; (C) introduction of organometallic compounds. In addition to academic and professional competences, this course also strengthens students' personal and social competences in the context of (1) having faith in God Almighty; (2) respect for human values ​​based on religion, morals and ethics; (6) cooperate and have social sensitivity and concern for the community and the environment; (8 and 10) internalize the values, norms, and academic ethics as well as the Tri Hita Karana. In attending this lecture, students are expected to actively participate in building the knowledge and abilities of these study topics according to the semester lecture plan.

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