Kimia Industri Pariwisata salin 2
The objectives of this subject are to develop the professional competency of students as
chemistry teacher candidates by mastering Chemistry for the Tourism Industry. Subject
Matters especially applied chemistry for industries appropriate around us in Bali as
a cultural tourism centre based on arts and crafts and based on results of our research
on inorganic materials, i.e. natural dyes and their fixators, inorganic natural pigments,
thermochromic pigment, synthetic wood, and synthetic rocky stone. Those materials
are purposed for arts and crafts supporting our cultural tourism industry. The learning
activity involves information, question answers, discussion, task, and presentation. The
assessment and evaluation consist of process and product.
- Dosen: 196912311994031012 Dr.rer.nat. I Wayan Karyasa, S.Pd., M.Sc.
- Dosen: 197601192003122001 Ni Wayan Yuningrat, S.T., M.Sc.
- Siswa terdaftar: 11
Praktikum Kimia Industri Pariwisata salin 1
The objectives of this subject are to develop professional competency of students as
chemistry teacher candidate by training in Practicum of Chemistry for Tourism
Industry Subject Matters, especially implementing applied chemistry for industries
appropriate around us in Bali as a cultural tourism centre based on arts and crafts and
based on the results of our research on inorganic materials, i.e. natural dyes and their
fixators, inorganic natural pigments, thermochromic pigment, synthetic wood, and
synthetic rocky stone. Those materials are purposed for arts and crafts supporting our
cultural tourism industry. The learning activities involve information, question answers,
discussion, practicum, collaborative project and presentation. The assessment and
evaluation consists of process and product.- Dosen: 196912311994031012 Dr.rer.nat. I Wayan Karyasa, S.Pd., M.Sc.
- Dosen: 197601192003122001 Ni Wayan Yuningrat, S.T., M.Sc.
- Siswa terdaftar: 4
Kimia Lingkungan salin 2
Mata kuliah ini memiliki standar kompetensi yaitu memahami berbagai kompartemen lingkungan baik lingkungan perairan, udara dan tanah dari segi tinjauan kimia serta proses transformasi kimia yang berlangsung di lingkungan dan berbagai aktivitas yang menyebabkan terjadinya penurunan kualitas lingkungan serta penanggulangannya.
- Dosen: 198008052006042002 Made Vivi Oviantari, S.Si., M.Si.
- Siswa terdaftar: Belum ada siswa yang mendaftar pada kursus ini
Praktikum Kimia Organik (S1 Pendidikan Kimia)
- Dosen: 199303042022032015 Rachmadhani, S.Si., M.Si.
- Siswa terdaftar: 3
Kimia Dasar II copy 1
Inisiasi kelas Internasional (IKI) dengan bobot 2 sks teori + 1 sks praktikum
Perangkat kuliah meliputi Silabus, PRS, kontra kuliah, rancangan tugas dan penilaian, dan bahan ajar disiapkan online.
- Dosen: 196404121989031005 Dr. Ida Bagus Nyoman Sudria, M.Sc.
- Siswa terdaftar: 8