Business Leadership. IED 2023

Business Leadership. IED 2023

Course modified date: 11 Apr 2023

Business Leadership is a subject to prepare our students to be a future leader.

Change Management salin 1

Change Management salin 1

Course modified date: 8 Apr 2023

By taking from various resources, students explore topic related to change management starting. The purpose of the class meeting is to gain more knowledge about change management and provide opportunity for students to discuss and critically analyse resources as to improve understanding and discussion skills. The indicative content used in this course will be relevant to today’s business situation

Change Management, Contemporary Management Issues

By taking from various resources, students explore topic related to change management starting. The purpose of the class meeting is to gain more knowledge about change management and provide opportunity for students to discuss and critically analyse resources as to improve understanding and discussion skills. The indicative content used in this course will be relevant to today’s business situation

Contemporary Management Issues salin 3

Contemporary Management Issues salin 3

Course modified date: 8 Apr 2023

This course provides students with in-depth exposure to the crucial managerial skills needed to manage organizations in today's era of rapid business change. Students will be invited to explore and discuss contemporary issues in the field of Management including business changes and challenges.

This lecture aims to stimulate students to think and discuss contemporary issues in the field of management based on what is already known that will develop during lectures. This course provides experience for students to be confidently involved in debates or discussions about management issues

Public Service Management salin 1

Public Service Management salin 1

Course modified date: 19 Mar 2023

Mata Kuliah ini memberikan materi terkait upaya pemerintah dalam meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan publik di Indonesia. Materi ini terkait bidang pendidikan, ekonomi, kesehatan, dll.

Hospitality & Tourism Business

Hospitality & Tourism Business

Course modified date: 17 Mar 2023

Mata kuliah ini memberikan pemahaman teoritik dan praktik tentang industri perhotelan dan pariwisata. Mata kuliah ini akan memperkenalkan mahasiswa pada industri perhotelan dan pariwisata, termasuk manajemen hotel dan restoran, kapal pesiar, spa, resort, taman hiburan, dan area lainnya. Melalui mata kuliah ini, akan dipelajari pengembangan dan pengelolaan lokasi wisata, perencanaan acara, pemasaran, dan masalah lingkungan yang berkaitan dengan leisure and travel, serta tren pariwisata di masa mendatang.
Enterpreneurship and Innovation

Enterpreneurship and Innovation

Course modified date: 9 Mar 2023

Buatlah BMC (Key Partner, Key Activities, Value Propositions, Costumer Relationship, Costumer Segmens, Key Resource, Channel, Cost Structure, Revenue Streams), sesuai dengan bidang yang ditekuni.